Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sewing Room Makeover, part 1

I am just about finished cleaning out and reorganizing my sewing room. I did this room for under $500 using things I already owned and purchasing a few things including a desk, chair, lighting and cabinets. What a job! I was totally clueless about how much stuff was actually stored in that room. So let's start from the beginning. This is the smallest bedroom in our house measuring approximately 10 X 10. Last fall, I purchased a quilting machine requiring me to move everything out of the room so the machine could be delivered. While the room was cleaned out, I repainted, made and hung new curtains, we pulled up the carpeting and installed laminate flooring. Sorry I don't have any before pictures. The machine was delivered and it didn't take long before the room became a sort of catch all for everything because there was just no organization. So last month after I dropped my machine off for servicing, I decided to clean and reorganize the entire room. It had gotten to the point where I couldn't get anything done in there and was back to sewing on the kitchen table. I couldn't find anything without taking my life in my hands! Here are a few before photos which were actually taken after I had started pulling everything out of the closet (I didn't take photos of the stuff stacked in the hall). Beware and be scared! Far Corner (don't hate the lamp, as ugly as it is, it is a great light source!)

Inside Large Cabinet Stacked Full Containers

Now for the afters:

This is taken as you walk into the room. I made an ironing board to fit the top of the cabinet so I wouldn't have to drag the ironing board out just to press seams and blocks. Sewing Area immediately to the left as you walk in the room This is my design wall with new storage cabinets below and the ironing area. Opposite wall with another cabinet and closet. Tomorrow I'll show you the insides of the cabinets (which are all full) and provide the juicy details about how I saved on everything in this room!

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